For inquiries Please Contact me at 

ph: +1 (403) 829 9877

P.Geo., B.Sc. (Geology)

Mineral exploration geologist, based in Calgary, with twelve years experience in over eighteen countries. Focused on economic geology and the role of sustainability and environmental management. 

Significant mineral exploration experience including: advanced geological mapping, reconnaissance and geochemical sampling, area selection and prospect generation and the implementation and management of diamond drilling programs. Strong understanding of QA/QC procedures, Best Practice and GIS in relation to grass roots exploration through to pre-feasibility. Experience with project review for acquisition.

Specific experience in IOCG systems; low sulphidation epithermal gold-silver-polymetallic vein deposits; intermediate sulphidation gold-silver-polymetallic vein deposits; PGE-gold systems; orogenic gold systems; gold-skarn deposits, iron-ore deposits; and tin systems.
