Project Geologist, included mapping, trenching and reconnaissance sampling of a shear-hosted gold deposit in north-central Brazil.
Project Geologist for +2000 metre diamond drilling program. Core logging of volcanic-hosted massive sulphide targets proximal to the Eskay Creek Gold Mine in British Columbia.
Project Geologist for a regional reconnaissance program in northern British Columbia. Geological mapping, soil and rock-chip sampling for porphyry copper, volcanic-hosted massive sulphide and jade/nephrite targets. Management of 2000 meter trenching program for placer jade and gold targets.
Project review and internal reporting for a private company regarding the acquisition of graphite targets in northern Canada.
Geological mapping and rock chip grab sampling of Iron-Oxide Copper-Gold type targets in northern Canada. Interpretation of geophysical and geochemical data for target generation. Completed winter core (2,000m) sampling program at sub-zero temperatures.
Assisted in the completion of a 1:250,000-scale map of the South Wopmay Orogen, Northwest Territories. Prepared daily traverse maps and collected samples for geochemical and geochronological analysis. Identified and studied Iron-Oxide Copper Gold type targets
Project review of gold-copper-iron ore skarn targets for acquisition by a private company.
Completed the Society of Economic Geologists field trip course on IOCG and Copper-Silver Districts of Northern Chile
Reconnaissance mapping and sampling for National Instrument 43-101 report. Logistic coordination of remote high-altitude camp accessed by horseback. Mineralization style of region included high-sulphidation epithermal.
Reconnaissance sampling and site review of intrusion-hosted sheeted-vein gold-silver target for acquisition by a private company.
Completion of diverse sampling program within the Nambija district southern Ecuador. Sampling included soil geochemistry and stream sediment sampling of mountain ridges and drainages.
Gold-PGE deposit under 100m of glacial ice in eastern Greenland. Core logging and sampling of a 2000m diamond drill program while ensuring Best Practice and QA/QC protocols were met. Regional exploration and prospecting with helicopter support.
Project Geologist for +6000m diamond drilling program. Managed and guided two geologists and two geotechnicians during core logging and sampling procedures. Saw through to completion of eight diamond drill holes within the Au-rich PGM bearing Skaergaard layered intrusive.
Bulk sampling of alluvial gold targets and associated tailings. Design and implementation of gravity recovery systems. Management of a remote camp within the Amazon.
Resampling program of core from shear-hosted gold targets in northeastern Kazakhstan.
Data collection and reporting of Soviet GKZ resource classified coal and iron ore deposits for conversion to JORC and NI43-101 in central Kazakhstan.
Data collection and review of the gold-silver producing La Guittara mine. Geological mapping of low sulphidation gold-silver epithermal vein deposits and local prospective targets surrounding the existing mine. Bulk sampling of mine stockpiles.
Papua New Guinea
Data collection and office review of four separate properties. Site review and reconnaissance mapping of a high-sulphidation epithermal target. Analysis and review of historic drill core for target generation and geological interpretation.
Mine Manager of narrow vein low-sulphidation epithermal deposit. Design of exploration program and later small open pits for extraction of ore. Operation of small (5t/h) pilot plant that utilizes gravity recovery methods. Managed over 40 local workers and large equipment for daily mine production.
Reconnaissance sampling of surface and underground for an exploration program of intermediate sulphidation silver-gold-base metal vein deposits. Collected over 750 rock chip grab samples at and above 5000m elevation.
Project review of 17 independent properties in various terrains for acquisition by a private company. Mineralization style included gold-iron ore carlin, low sulphidation epithermal and copper-iron ore skarn.
Saudi Arabia
On site project review of over twenty mineralized targets, prospects and mines in the Ar Rayn, Ad Dawadimi and Asir terranes. The review aimed to identify potential exploration targets for acquisition by a private company. Deposit types included volcanic-hosted massive sulphide, mesothermal and epithermal.
Project review of iron ore targets in eastern Senegal for a private company. Meetings with government officials in regards to project development.
Detailed geological mapping and rock chip grab sampling of greisen style tin veins. Monitored a small diamond drilling program. Reconnaissance sampling of an alluvial tin target. Stream sediment sampled local drainages for potential mineralization.
Identification of alluvial gold targets via aerial reconnaissance and satellite imagery. Design of alluvial sampling programs. Overview of soil geochemistry, channel sampling and preliminary diamond drilling of a greenstone hosted gold target.
United States of America
Geological mapping, soil sampling, reconnaissance sampling and data review of epithermal gold prospect within the Klondike district of northern Arizona.
Review of historic drill core from a porphyry copper target in northern California. Sampling and logging of drill core for a bulk metallurgy study. Assessment of copper mineralized oxide zone for potential acid leach recovery.
Geochemical soil sampling in Ecuador
Grab sampling in the Peruvian Andes
Diamond Drill program Northwest Territories
Reconnaissance in East Greenland
Diamond Drilling in East Greenland
GIS and Mapping for exploration trenches in Northern Canada
Alteration mapping in Peruvian Altiplano
Core logging and sampling for PGE-Gold in Greenland